Replacement cards
Lost or stolen cards
Lost or stolen cards should be deactivated immediately through Academica. To deactivate your card:
- Log into Academica
- Access OneCard account
- Deactivate card
You may also contact the OneCard/Parking Service Center during normal business hours at 313-577-CARD.
Replacement cards
There is a $20 replacement card fee to replace a lost or stolen OneCard. To replace a lost card log into your OneCard account via Academica and deposit the $20 onto your account using a credit or debit card. We will deduct the funds and either mail the card to your home address or you can make an appointment to pick it up from the front entrance of the Welcome Center. Call 313-577-2273 or email to make arrangements to receive your card. Affiliates who need replacement OneCards must bring $20 cash to the OneCard Office when they pick up their OneCard. If your card was stolen, a WSU police report number is necessary for the OneCard office to waive the $20 replacement fee.
Bent, broken or demagnetized cards
If your WSU OneCard is not working properly, please call or email the OneCard/Parking Service Center to troubleshoot the non-working card. If it is determined that your OneCard needs to be replaced a new card will be issued. You can make arrangements to have it mailed to your home or pick it up from the front entrance of the Welcome Center.
The following suggestions will help ensure your OneCard's longevity:
- Card should never be placed next to another card with the magnetic strips touching
- Do not scratch magnetic strip in any way
- Do not place card on any magnetic surface
- Do not punch holes in card
- Do not bend card
Found cards/confiscated cards
Departments or individuals who find lost cards should return them to the OneCard/Parking Service Center in Suite 257, Welcome Center via campus mail or drop off. The OneCard/Parking Service Center staff will investigate to see if the person is still active at the University and whether he/she has gotten a replacement card already.
Employee cards that are confiscated at the end of their employment, or student/other cards are confiscated for conduct reasons should be returned to the OneCard/Parking Service Center so that the accounts can be deactivated and the cards disabled and shredded.
Name changes
If a patron's legal name changes or a person would like a new card to reflect their preferred name, this is considered a replacement card and the replacement card fee of $20 will be assessed. Acceptable forms of payment include funds from your OneCard, check or money order in the office, or cash at the Cashier's Office with a receipt as proof of payment. In order for the Preferred Name to show on your OneCard you must update it in Academica and then wait 48 hrs for our system to update. Students must start the name change process with the records and registration office.Staff must start the name change process with HR and should reach out to their HR Consultant.